Nasce Chimera (ex 7 Sisters)

In the ‘now i remember why it takes so long to make a record department’: so we had this song that everyone liked, a real pretty slow song called ‘7 sisters’ (a working title that wouldn’t have lasted)…we started to record it but i pulled it because it was too familiar/obvious. I told Nicole and Mike i wanted to write one more anthemic type song if i could, and came up even with a title for a song that didn’t exist, ‘chimera’…so yesterday i finally started to write ‘chimera’ in the morning, and ended up putting in parts if not all of ‘7 sisters’ into ‘chimera’, albeit at a much faster tempo. at first the pieces fit together awkwardly, but in time it made more and more sense. played it for the band and bjorn and everyone really liked it, and we strted playing it fast and heavy but it was just again, too obvious and didn’t really feel like SP, although all agreed it was a style issue, not a song issue. I told Mike that back in the day we’d encounter this problem all the time, and would end up shifting to more heavy half-time feels, even though i wanted the song fast. we played it at the half-feel for a bit, which was infinitely cooler, but not what i wanted. eventually we settled on a faster half-feel to start and when it hits what used to be the verse of ‘7 sisters’ it goes back to a straight feel…voila! anthem for a new disenfranchised populace…next.

Lo dice il Signor William Patrick Corgan sulla sua pagina Facebook.

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